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I'm Kyri. I'm a free spirited person.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Brady Grace.

Last night I got a call from my younger sister telling me she was at the hospital .My 22 month old niece had another seizure. This is her second one the last 4 months. Her first one was in June. It was the scariest thing that I've ever seen. My sister had called me when she was in the ambulance the first time so I rushed to the hospital and I got there the same time her ambulanced had arrived. I walked into the emergency room and I saw my niece having a seizure. She was just so tiny and helpless. I coulnd't help but scream and cry so hard. If I could have traded her places I would have in less than a heartbeat . I can't even imagine how my sister felt, she is so strong. So last night she had her second one and every time I closed my eyes that image of her on the operating table having a seizure would just pop up in my head and I just couldn't handle it so I slept an hour last night. Who ever is reading this please keep her in your prayers. I hope something like this never happens again because not only is her body going through so much but her mommy's heart breaks every time. You know the saying " When a child is sick it hits the parents harder"? It's definantly true. Micah had an ear infection a few weeks ago and I kept blaming myself even though it obviously wasn't my fauly and it's completely normal for babies to get ear infections. My heart just couldn't handle her crying in pain. It definantly hit me hard. Like I said my sister is a strong little lady, stay strong Kate and I'm always one step behind you if you need a shoulder to cry on.

Everyone please keep my beautiful niece in your prayers and pray that it's nothing more than a febrile seizure.
Good night world.

Keep smiling baby love, you're a strong little girl.

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