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I'm Kyri. I'm a free spirited person.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I found all I've waited for.

Lying here with you 
Listening to the rain 
Smiling just to see the smile upon your face 
These are the moments I thank God that I'm alive 
These are the moments I'll remember all my life 
I found all I've waited for 
And I could not ask for more 
Looking in your eyes 
Seeing all I need 
Everything you are is everything to me 
These are the moments 
I know heaven must exist 
These are the moments I know all I need is this 
I have all I've waited for 
And I could not ask for more 

I could not ask for more than this time together 
I could not ask for more than this time with you 
Every prayer has been answered 
Every dream I have's come true 
And right here in this moment is right where I'm meant to be 
Here with you here with me 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When one door closes, another opens.

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one, which has been opened for us.”
- Helen Keller -

I'm a firm believe of this quote.We are so busy regretting the past, standing there thinking about what we could have done different, why this happened why that happened, who was at fault, and trying to blame others that we don't notice the doors that are open right in front of our face.The brand new opportunities  that lie right in front of us and we often ignore them because we're much too busy still staring at that one closed door. People are attached to what happened in the past and that's only natural in the human race.

I myself am trying to let go of the past. It's definantly a hard thing. I'm trying to take all the negative out to have more room for the positive. I have a daughter who's going to need someone to look up to and of course I want that person to be me. I want her to have a positive role model and to tell you the truth if I didn't have her I don't think I'd have the strength to look past the people who have hurt me, who are hurting me and who will hurt me. From now on I just want to look past the negative things in my past; forgive and forget. Start over. Work hard and find that one open door that's going to lead me to be successful not only in work but as a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, and everything else that I am.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Brady Grace.

Last night I got a call from my younger sister telling me she was at the hospital .My 22 month old niece had another seizure. This is her second one the last 4 months. Her first one was in June. It was the scariest thing that I've ever seen. My sister had called me when she was in the ambulance the first time so I rushed to the hospital and I got there the same time her ambulanced had arrived. I walked into the emergency room and I saw my niece having a seizure. She was just so tiny and helpless. I coulnd't help but scream and cry so hard. If I could have traded her places I would have in less than a heartbeat . I can't even imagine how my sister felt, she is so strong. So last night she had her second one and every time I closed my eyes that image of her on the operating table having a seizure would just pop up in my head and I just couldn't handle it so I slept an hour last night. Who ever is reading this please keep her in your prayers. I hope something like this never happens again because not only is her body going through so much but her mommy's heart breaks every time. You know the saying " When a child is sick it hits the parents harder"? It's definantly true. Micah had an ear infection a few weeks ago and I kept blaming myself even though it obviously wasn't my fauly and it's completely normal for babies to get ear infections. My heart just couldn't handle her crying in pain. It definantly hit me hard. Like I said my sister is a strong little lady, stay strong Kate and I'm always one step behind you if you need a shoulder to cry on.

Everyone please keep my beautiful niece in your prayers and pray that it's nothing more than a febrile seizure.
Good night world.

Keep smiling baby love, you're a strong little girl.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blogger Addiction?

I think I have become addicted to blogging. Micah finally fell asleep for her daily nap. 12 loads of laundry done and 3 more to go. Everything is clean and so I have a few minutes to spare on blogging.

I love you so much but I don't show it enough and I don't tell you enough. I constantly have a thousand different thoughts running through my mind all day everyday. Does Micah need diapers? Is she almost out? What about wipes? How much laundry is there to do?Do we have enough detergent ? What time is Elijah's football game this week? When should I start laundry? When did I eat last? When did I shower last? Did I brush my teeth today? Are all the garbages out? Did I call Grandma today to check up on her? When did I call her last? Crap have I even taken the time to call my brother all week just so that he doesn't feel like I forgot about him? My mom called 5 hours ago did I call her back?When did Micah last take a bath? Did I give her daily nasal drops? What time did she eat last again? ......it never ends. I feel like I'm constantly trying to please everyone around me that I don't have my special time with you. I always tell myself that you understand but you deserve my attention. I'm so caught up in trying to have everything perfect that I get so frustrated and the attention that you do receive from me is a negative one. Finally when I'm laying down next to you at night, when my thoughts have slowed down a bit you're already sleeping. I want you to know that I'm still adjusting to our new life and I do think about you and I do realize that I push you away and I don't mean to. I do realize that sometimes we hardly say a word to each other in a day and I'm trying to change that. I need to stop this whole "Super mom" thing because sometimes I just want to lay down and breathe but I can't. I love you and I hope you understand and you're amazing.

Why do people always try to give me parenting advice? Do this do that. My daughter is well taken care of thank you very much. I've read more books than you can imagine my 9 months of pregnancy. I've researched pretty much everything you need to know about being a parent I mean I' sure I don't know EVERYTHING but I'll learn throughout the years. I don't care how you raised your child, I'm going to raise my daughter the way I want to .I'm not going to base my decision on you and how you discipline your children. I don't care if you don't give your child a pacifier obviously you didn't do YOUR research because a child who uses a pacifier has less chances of having orthodontic problems in the future oppose to one who doesn't use a pacifier. Not only that but it also lessens the risk of SIDS and using a pacifier stimulates the flow of saliva which is a natural intestinal lubricant , therefore one who uses it is less likely to have stomach aches. So you can shut your mouth. My daughter is advanced for her age, her pediatrician says she acts two months older than she is. She's reached milestones that are way past her age, and not only do I hear it from her but I also hear it from others. Obviously I'm doing very well with my child.  So here is an advice for you......keep your opinions to yourself unless someone asks for it because no two babies are the same.

On a happier note, it's almost the Holidays and I am very very ecstatic. It's Micah's first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and it's just exciting.I can't wait to decorate the Christmas tree and be with family. I can't wait for the snow, I can't wait for snowboarding .I can't wait to buy presents and wrap them. I can't wait to send out Christmas cards. I just can't wait.

Love Freely

I got bored and played with my fiancĂ©'s camera when I was pregnant full term. I had to entertain myself somehow.I found this while I was browsing through my pictures on my computer. He loves this though. Just thought I'd share it. Nothing special but I think it''s cute.

Family love.

I woke up this morning thinking about this little lady and how she was walking around the other day with her head stuck in her sweatshirt because she was attempting to take it off herself. This little girl has the best personality ever and I am so glad that my daughter has such a beautiful person inside and out to look up to. I took this picture of her right about when she started walking, maybe a month or so after. You know, it's funny how such a little person can change your life so much.God gave us children to help us get through the rough situations that life throws at us and not only that having a child helps you realize that sometimes in your crazy life you just have to stop and smell the roses.

This little man is also a huge part of my heart, if you know me you know that my family is my whole world. I can't imagine how boring my life would be without my brother, sister, niece and daughter. They keep me sane and they keep me going.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Motherhood Uncensored

You know those people who are constantly showing off pictures of their kids to every person they encounter? I have turned into one of those annoying individuals. Every parent thinks that their child is the most beautiful child in the world , but then you look at her son/daughter and in your head you're like" Is this lady serious? There is nothing cute about that kid"  It's only natural to think that your child is the most beautiful one but I don't mean to brag...my daughter IS the most beautiful baby ever. Everywhere I take her people are always telling me she is the most beautiful baby they have ever seen and that they have never seen a two month old interact the way she does. Everyone that meets her falls in love with her. 

It's almost been a year since I found out I was pregnant. A year ago I never thought I would be spending my weekends staying in the house. I'm young, I wanted to travel, go places, go on road trips, go to concerts, spend all my money on my hair, clothes, shoes, and accessories that only benefited me. My life completely changed, now I spend my days and nights feeding Micah, changing her diaper, playing with her, singing to her, rocking her to sleep, when she's not in my arms I'm washing bottles, doing laundry, washing the bed sheets she pooped on when she blows up her diaper for the 3rd time that day....and I wouldn't change it for the world. I love being a mom. It's the best thing ever, and seeing her smile makes all of my problems go away. She makes my life worthwhile. 

 It takes me at least 3 hours to get Micah and myself ready and I'd be lucky if I got to finish my makeup. One time I was applying my makeup and I forgot to do my other eye, good thing I ACTUALLY looked at myself in the mirror before I left. Sometimes I can't even remember when I washed my hair last or brushed my teeth. I know.....gross but it's all a part of being a mom. I always smell like burp up, some nights when she's super grumpy I don't sleep so if you see me looking like a zombie it's for that reason. My purse has been replaced with a diaper bag. 

Nothing in my life made sense until my baby girl was born I love her with all my heart and my life is so amazing because she's in it. 

See I told you, she's the most beautiful baby in the world :)